Danny Bowman
Danny Bowman
Conservatism Studies Conference 2023
University of Edinburgh
January 2023
I was delighted to present my most recent research on 'Conservatism and Mental Health Policy Across the UK' at Old College, University of Edinburgh. The core findings suggest that Conservative parties across the UK diverge in their approaches to mental health policy.
Watford Matters with Dean Russell MP: The effects of body image editing online
September 2022
I was delighted to participate in a critical discussion on the effects of body image editing online. This has been a vital focus of the new Internet Harms Bill being brought forward through Parliament. I articulated the importance of raising awareness of edited imagery on social media and placing prevention at the heart of the government's strategy.
You can listen to the full podcast at:
NEXGEN Podcast Interview
July 2022
I was delighted to discuss my own experience with mental illness and the work I do now with the NEXGEN podcast. Myself and Maddie discussed OCD, BDD, mental health support, community hubs, male mental health, stigma, early intervention, a recent visit to 10 Downing Street, the mental health consultation & more!
Check out the full interview here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5lDXQWLeGY9TLPLt62NJcH?si=TqB3oMAiQmmjwyXMFFRP1g
Matthew Scott - Police and Crime Podcast
I was delighted to appear on Matthew Scott's - Police and Crime Podcast this week discussing my OCD, BDD, and the research I conducted on the relationship between policing and mental health for Parliament Street.
Our Director of Mental Health, Danny Bowman sat down with Johnny Mercer MP in his House of Commons office to discuss his battle with Obsessional Compulsive Disorder (OCD), his childhood, his career in the armed forces and life in Parliament.
Danny Bowman, Director of Mental Health had the pleasure of sitting down with his friend Rachel to discuss the jungle that is university and examining what makes university a stressful time for students in contemporary Britain. They discuss openly the up’s and downs of university life on mental health including fresher’s week, exams, assignments, and everything in between.
University mental health is one of the big talking points in the UK. With figures suggesting that in the United Kingdom there is many students coming out about their mental health difficulties, more students dropping out of university due to their mental health issues and unfortunately some reaching crisis point. How do we make sure students mental health is good?
Ahead of World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10th October – Parliament Street is proud to be able to present a very personal podcast between our Mental Health Spokesman, Danny Bowman and his mother.
Danny says “I had the pleasure of sitting down with my Mum to discuss her 35 years working in mental health services and hear her perspective on what it was like being a parent with a child suffering from mental illness. I hope that this provides a very special insight into the issues surrounding those suffering from mental health issues and their families.”
Last week, Danny Bowman had the opportunity to sit down with Maureen Watt MSP, the Minister for Mental Health at Holyrood. The role was created by the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, in her second term reshuffle.
Maureen Watt became a member of Scottish Parliament in 2006, making her maiden speech on the subject of drugs and rehabilitation. Prior to entering the Parliament, she worked as a social studies teacher in England. Watt was previously Minister for Public Health before taking up the role of Minister for Mental Health on the 18th May 2016.
Parliament Street’s mental health spokesman, Danny Bowman, recently sat down with renowned therapist, Dr. Rob Willson, for a very special 20 minute podcast about mental health awareness and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).
Dr. Willson is the chair of the Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Foundation and spent twelve years working at the Priory Hospital North London where he was a therapist and therapy services manager.
He has co-authored several books, including the bestselling ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies’ and ‘Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder’.
Danny Bowman sat down with former Director of Communications and spokesman for the Labour Party (2000–2003) Alastair Campbell about his experience with mental illness and how we move forward on mental health policy.